Monday, February 9, 2009

Meeting the Other

Around this time, 1L students at HLS start engaging with the other. That's right - those mysterious folks from different sections that you pass in the hallways but knew nothing about. Your class suddenly grows from 80 to 500+, and the transition is...well...relatively painless. Why? Because most people still seemed attached to their sections. No one is quite ready to move on. There's a whole big frightening world of new people out there, and we already went through one traumatic transition this year.

So, how to get acquainted? I think there are the following options:
(1) Engage in group projects with people from other sections (this is annoying, but probably safer than engaging in a group project with people from your own section that you have to see at least six times in any given week)
(2) Tipsily make their acquaintance at bar review. I have not tried this, but I've heard that the consequences are decidly mixed.
(3) Ignore them until next year, when you'll have no choice but to get to know eachother.

I'm not going to reveal which (or which combination of 1 and 3) that I'm going for. In other news, trying to find a job sucks. A lot. I knew all that stuff about the "competition being over" was demonstrably false. Still, I could have lived with being the counter-example.

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