Monday, December 8, 2008

Closing Out the Semester

At long last: five days until the end of classes this semester! It's a little surreal to think that only a few months ago we were brand new 1L's, and now we're about to finish up classes for this half of the year. Some of my section-mates and I were amazed the other day at the amount of stuff they've managed to cram into our heads over the course of the fall. I don't know that we've learned to think like lawyers yet, but we've certainly learned to think like law students (i.e.* Just this morning I was reading this article in the NYT, and I thought "I DO know what declaring force majeure means when you want to break a contract!"

Of course, the semester is not quite over. We still have 22 days until exams. People have been complaining about this like mad. I can understand why no one wants to study over their holiday break, but I definitely prefer not to have to take my exams right now. I need a VERY lengthy session with my Property book, and I can't imagine hammering that session into the crazitude that's been the last month.

*Although in the interests of full disclosure, I rarely drink more than a glass of wine in one sitting anymore, and I usually go to bed by 10pm. Yes, I am a little old lady, but learning the law makes me really tired!

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