Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

And enjoy the New Year! The only thing I have to post about is a unique gift wrapping idea. All my presents were wrapped in old law school practice exams - and my family still loves me. However, tragically, I did not get one present that I really wanted.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Law Professors Hate Rules, Too

Actual text of an e-mail from a shall-remain-nameless professor:

"I regret to say that Law School and American Bar Association regulations require that I make some sort of assessment of your performance in this class. To this end, I have prepared an exam for the course."

Last Exam is Tomorrow

And today I read this quote:

At any rate, the entire Guidance, from beginning to end - except the last paragraph - reads like a ukase.6

FN 6: [Ed.] For those who (like some of the editors of this casebook) are unacquainted with the word "ukase," it comes from czarist Russia and means fiat, an order by absolute and - by connotation, arbitrary - authority."

My question is: which editors of the casebook were familiar with the term "ukase"?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Picking Classes: Help Requested

I have a (relatively short) paper due at 4pm tomorrow/today. Instead of doing the pre-reading necessary to write the paper, I am procrastinating. By picking possible classes for next semester.

Some of my "maybe" list, generally listed in order from "most black letter law-like" to "this is not actually a law school class, right?":

* Criminal Law (the one class I still have to take)
* Evidence
* Trademarks & Unfair Competition
* Trial Practice
* Business Organizations
* Family Law
* Elements of Effective Legal Writing
* The Book of Job & Injustice
* Ethics in Literature
* Economics of Education (this is actually not a class offered at the Law School, but in the Economics department...still, I can get Law School credit for it anyway)

I have to pick two of these, basically, to fill my spring schedule. Any suggestions? Course descriptions available here.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Welcome to the Class(es) of 2013!

YLS admissions officers made some hearts skip beats by announcing via Twitter: "The first admissions offers will be made at the end of this week!" By now, the first few calls - with a tell-tale (203) area code, of course - have gone out. We might not work as quickly as the HLS admissions crew, who, following tradition, made their first offers before Thanksgiving, but I like to think that the element of surprise (with no pre-screening "interview" call) makes up for the relative delay. :)

Welcome to our newest readers who seem to have found our blog upon their recent acceptances to HLS and/or YLS. We're happy to have you!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Posts to the Blog Will Resume as Soon as Exams End

Unless, of course, SB with her single exam in January feels like posting. Man, I am jealous . . .