Saturday, November 29, 2008

Belated Harvard-Yale Recap

From our Dean:

Having reported earlier on our Faculty Basketball win, I now have received a fuller report from our bloggers in Cambridge:

In the Student Basketball Game, Harvard 60 - Yale 44. While our intrepid but outnumbered student team fell to a human wave of HLS players, moral victory was secured by our team' s support from 65 Yale Law Students, who traveled to the game to support our team. The YLS contingent vastly outnumbered their (fewer than 10) Crimson counterparts in the crowd, who were playing at home.

In the YLJ/ HLR Touch Football game: YLJ 20 - HLR 13. In the first play of the game, third-year student ABC went deep for an 80 yard touchdown turn. On the second play of the game, starting receiver XYZ broke his nose on a tough play on the outside, but we are advised that he is doing fine on the morning after.

In the Undergraduate football game, our offense was stymied, and Yale lost 10-0.

(And finally, while I am shocked, shocked to learn that some of our students engage in gambling, apparently our YLS poker team -- featuring several former professional players -- also prevailed over its HLS counterpart).


Cat & I spent part of the Harvard-Yale weekend together! Cat cooked a *fabulous* dinner (THANK YOU!!) for us and two of our best friends on Friday night, and we consumed a substantial number of cookies and a not-insignificant amount of alcohol in her blissfully warm Cambridge apartment before I had to head out into the blustery night.

Saturday was the storied Game day, full of a blistering cold tailgate, an even colder shutout of a game, and some post-Game parties. The extent to which I partook (or didn't partake) in the aforementioned activities is absolutely not an accurate gauge of my fan-dom, but it was FREAKING COLD. And the bed was SO warm! Plus, it kept the sting of our loss a bit out of mind...

We did manage to get out into Cambridge for dinner (and I wore my blue & white striped shirt with pride!), which was tasty and full of good college friends currently in law/grad school at Harvard, Yale, and MIT. There was more drinking and reminiscing and catching up on each others' lives, then I was back to the comfort of a toasty cocoon in the midst of a crisp New England absolutely scrumptious brunch on Sunday, and I was more than content with my version of Harvard-Yale in Cambridge, despite a lack of direct football observation. I was tempted to stay forever, had there not been work to return to...

All in all, a *very* enjoyable weekend! And next year, we Elis will welcome ya'll down in New Haven. Word is, we party better.


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