Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day

It's been approaching for a mighty long time, but it's finally here! The steps that the law school has taken to accommodate it have been pretty sweet. They're taping all the classes so that people can feel free to campaign, vote, go home, whatever. We're having a school-run election party, at which we've been promised, and I quote, "a non-lame" gift. And of course, the fact that one of the candidates is an alumni of the school hasn't hurt at all.

Unfortunately, my feelings on election night are basically mixed. I've already voted by absentee ballot in a state where my vote will make no difference. I hate watching the returns come in, because I find it super stressful. Plus, the fact that I have to get up the next morning and go to class is kinda sucky. Still, happy election day! Go vote!

Addendum on November 5th: It was pointed out today that the law school now controls two out of the three branches of government (presidency, majority on the Supreme Court.) I can't decide if I find that troubling or not.


SB said...

I hear your non-lame gift turned out to be problematic? Something about not enough Obama cups relative to McCain cups?

Cat said...

Hahahaha....I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Mine is sitting on my desk as I type.