Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giving Thanks

I've never been a huge fan of Thanksgiving (especially because I *hate* lots of traditional Thanksgiving foods; see stuffing/dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie...each and every one = yuck), but Thanksgiving break during law school has been a huge blessing.

Last year, my roommate & I both stayed in New Haven for the long weekend...our families are far away, and the hassle of traveling wasn't something we wanted to mess with around Thanksgiving. We watched a full-day "Jon & Kate Plus 8" marathon. I went to a big potluck dinner with a bunch of our classmates. We passed the rest of the weekend being lazy and ordering takeout and occasionally venturing out to neighborhood bars; it was glorious.

This year, both my roommates and I are all staying here. And I get SIX WHOLE DAYS off. Woo hoo! We're again having a massive Thanksgiving potluck (coordinated this year with a Google Spreadsheet - hallelujah!). We'll be joined throughout the long weekend by friends who share our love of wine, cookies, and board games. We'll sleep in, with no alarm to be heard. We might do some online shopping. There won't be any "Jon & Kate" this year, but I'm sure we'll find something else on TV worth watching (personally, I'm hoping a "Dog the Bounty Hunter" marathon magically appears).

Sometimes in the midst of source cites and long lectures and fruitless searches for international and unpublished law journal sources, I forget just how wonderful a life we've been blessed to be living: we spent last weekend with visiting friends for the epic Harvard-Yale weekend, where there was school spirit galore and beautiful weather and a bountiful tailgate and only a little bit of homework. Now, just one school day later, we get twice as much of a weekend. Lovely.

Happy Thanksgiving! How are you spending your holiday? Are other law students buckling down with work, or are you taking a real break?


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