Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

And enjoy the New Year! The only thing I have to post about is a unique gift wrapping idea. All my presents were wrapped in old law school practice exams - and my family still loves me. However, tragically, I did not get one present that I really wanted.


SB said...

I hadn't heard of that before (had to look it up!), but it's really cute. Along the same lines, I was telling TT today that I was watching "Family Feud" yesterday, and the #1 answer to "name a profession that people don't trust" was, of course, "attorney/lawyer." Fifty-five of 100 people said we're untrustworthy! Eep!

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty good way to get some use out of deadwood.

My wrapping method still consists of using an enormous piece of paper and twisting it at the ends into a bon-bon wrapper. Hard to use law school exams for that.