Sunday, September 21, 2008

Activity Avalanche

I had thought law school was a bit overwhelming from week 1, but we've shifted into hyperdrive and exams aren't even on the horizon yet. Like SB, we're picking which activities to join. My section-mates seem to all be members of three journals, two student practice organizations, and are doing another six things on the side. After recovering from a miserable headache I got at the student activities fair, I have concluded that there is no way I am capable of that. In fact, I'm not sure I'm capable of doing anything besides school and some coaching, but I'll take a stab at it.

Although....things are not looking too good. Already my tea intake has jumped from one cup a day to four. Plus, I keep having these horrible dreams about ordinary activities that weirdly become competitive. Like last night, when I dreamt that in order to eat lunch I had to get into a pizza eating contest. I lost, obviously (although I guess I got lunch regardless). Is this some Greek-style omen darkly portending my future? I don't know, and I think I need another cup of tea.

1 comment:

SB said...

I've had a lot of really weird dreams since starting school, too, though not of that kind!