Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Blog is Temporarily Suspended...So I Can Focus on the Economy

Well, not it's not *really* the economy...more like "geez, this is more work in a week than I've ever had to do before [except maybe when I wrote a 40-page graduate qualitative research paper in four days - but let's just say that was a BAD experience, in which I actually locked myself in my office, and one which I hope never to repeat again], so I probably won't have time to blog again before the weekend."

Things I gotta do:
* Twelve page memo (this only after reading 10 cases, about 400-500 pages total, maybe?) due Thursday
* Pleading written assignment due Thursday
* Compile a list of biographies for a journal-sponsored conference I signed up to help with
* Contracts reading for "tomorrow" which is really today since it's now 4:15 am; torts, procedure, and con law reading for Wednesday
* Secure at least one for-sure partner for my non-law-school-job, and work a bunch of other contacts

So....I hope you'll cut me some slack. I promise, my thoughts about Cat's school's new grading scheme are coming; plus, updates and other random stuff.

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