Saturday, September 27, 2008

To Grade or Not to Grade?

The dean has just announced that she's considering replacing A,B,C etc. grades with Honors, Pass, Low Pass, and Fail. This has prompted what I've nickednamed (not so fondly) the Great Grade Debate. I have no strong opinions on the subject, but everyone else seems to. Unfortunately, I think the heated arguments will continue until the dean announces her decision (and likely well after.)

In other law school news, we too have started writing briefs. Unlike SB, we have a special class just devoted to learning to write like a lawyer. Beore I started the class, I thought that just meant adding in a lot of "heretofores" and weird latin phrases. Unfortunately, it is not so simple - we get a fact pattern and then have to find, analyze, and apply the relevant law. Of course, we have no idea what the revelant law might be, since we've only had four weeks of law school. I had to have more than one beer before I could even take a stab at our brief. Luckily, we too get to meet with a 2L before handing in the memo. I'm not sure who this helps more - us, or the professor, who instead of reading astoundingly tragically awful briefs just reads somewhat tragically awful briefs. Either way, I'm grateful.

My apartment has reached that special level of chaos that only comes at the end of a week in law school. I'm not sure how to resolve this, other than constantly nagging my boyfriend. Also, I have the nagging feeling that learning how to think like a lawyer is just making solving my actual problems more difficult. Thank god I'm not getting a grade on life - under either system, I think I'd be in trouble.

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