Friday, September 12, 2008

What Contract(s) Have You Made Today?

We didn't have Contracts the first week of school, because our professor is recovering from joint replacement, but when we finally had class on Tuesday, the most interesting part of the session (other than her assertion: "This will be the easiest. class. ever.") was when she asked a student, "When was the last time you made a contract?"

"Maybe last week," he said, "I just moved into my apartment, and I [had to deal with the devil incarnate that is] Comcast, to get internet and cable hooked up."


"And, I guess...I bought a cup of coffee this morning."

Eventually, this conversation became so long and drawn out that I turned to browsing the internet and catching up on the news in class for the first time [in part, for reasons explained below], but it was generally interesting. Another student claimed she hadn't made a contract in the past 24 hours - the professor seemed unconvinced. Turns out said student walks to school, brings her own food for lunch, and doesn't buy anything. Ever.


One of the most trite things that you hear from current and former law students, I think, who are trying to explain what law school is like is that "you start to find the law in everything." I call shenanigans. At least, I hope that I can continue to try to refrain from finding the law in everything - I'll go crazy!

However, it's at times like these that I'm willing to assert my (abysmally minimal) legal training, and when I wish I knew what law I was looking for so that I could take advantage of it: AT&T hates us. At least their internet-"providing" division. We moved in August 27th, and here we are on September 12th without any internet signal [save for the smidge of a single bar I'm currently getting by sitting in the corner of the hallway floor...stealing a signal from our benevolent neighbors]. Suffice it to say, we're not pleased as punch.

Total time on the phone with AT&T: 4.5 hours

Total calls made to AT&T: 6, at least

Friends we've made at AT&T: 0 - Though Angel and Rodrigo were particularly nice, they didn't actually help resolve our problem. In fact, they had no idea what the problem was.

Times we've threatened to call Comcast instead, even though due to a fluke not of our doing, we can't actually get internet from Comcast without giving up our free cable: 2

Hopefully, a cable installer worth his/her salt will show up tomorrow morning at an ungodly hour (we've been told 8am - I'm holding out just an inkling of hope), and we'll no longer be sitting on the floor to connect with the rest of the world. Speaking of which, my butt is getting sore...

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