Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Essential Elements of Writing in Law School

The following things, I have come to note over the past three weeks, are (not an exhaustive list of) essentials to have on hand when writing a paper for law school:

* Post-It flags. They mark important passages in case law. They also can help create an artificial sense of accomplishment when, if you remove the flags as you insert their corresponding points into your paper, you accumulate a pile of discarded/completed flags.

* Laptop charger/power cord. Obviously. My computer can make it through 4ish hours of class without being plugged in, which seems pretty decent...but Rome wasn't built in a day.

* A big glass of water. Or juice. Or lemonade. Not vodka. Staying hydrated is important. For me, more important than being caffeinated.

* Saline solution or eye drops to keep my eyes hydrated. I think my eyes are getting worse, honestly, but regardless, they are certainly drier now that I live in New England. That is a problem come 3am.

* Chocolate, or something else sweet to make me feel better when I realize that I am, in fact, still awake at 3am because, let's face it, this paper isn't writing itself...

1 comment:

Cat said...

Dude, me too! (about the staying hydrated.) When I switch to cherry coke, I just get jittery, and end up with a giantic headache. Why, now that we've reached our early twenties, is everything our mothers told us turning out to be true? :(