Sunday, September 27, 2009

Some Thoughts on Callbacks

Hooray for Cat being all done with callback interviews! Hooray for me only having one left!

As much as I value the chance to go visit law firms in person - to meet with partners & associates, to get a sense of the culture, and to learn more about their practice - I will be pretty happy to be done with interview-related travel after next weekend.

My desk is littered with train tickets with my name on them. I have my fill of tiny shampoo and lotion bottles squirreled away for winter. I've eaten more Auntie Anne's train station and airport pretzels than I care to admit.

And of course, we're extremely blessed to have multiple callbacks and offers to join some fabulous firms. But I think I speak for the collective of many 2L law students: we're exhausted. We're ready to be students again. Whatever that means.

Perhaps somewhat ironically, interviewing has been the best boost to my class reading completion thus far this semester. Lots of hours on the train without internet access = very little excuse not to catch up on tax reading. And some cool encounters:

A few weeks ago I was on the train up from DC, and it just so happened that Joe (that'd be Biden) was hopping the 4:00, too. I sat next to one of his Secret Service agents, who was apparently so bored that he felt a desire to attempt to stealthfully read my screen - unfortunately for him, it was plastered with relatively mind-numbing moral philosophy.

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