Friday, October 16, 2009

Time for a Break

Today's the official beginning of fall break - formerly known as fly-back week - around here. It's not really fly-back week anymore, since most of us 2Ls are finished with interviews and happily settled (or happily unsettled) on our summer job details for next year. Without official business to attend to, we're free to decide how much work to do over the next week or so. The dramatic drop-off in new messages flowing into my inbox today suggests that a lot of people really need - and are going to take advantage of - a real break.

I am SO excited to be going away on vacation, even if the weather forecast looks like it'll be a bit wetter than we'd like on our Caribbean island of choice. Still, unlimited fruity drinks & no-alarm mornings are luxuries that are welcome in any climate. Today I spent about an hour making photocopies of my tax and insurance readings so that I don't have to lug a huge law book around the beach. And I have grand plans to *finally* finish The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer - almost 11 months after starting. Plus I've been speeding through Bridge of Sighs, by Richard Russo, who might just be my new favorite author.

Off to pack...


Cat said...

Have a great time SB!

Jean said...

Hope you had a great trip!

SB said...

Thanks! Vacation was - and will continue to be, albeit in another location - awesome. :)